Ministry of Human Resource Development, Govt. of India
recently announced as part of NPTEL video lectures and web lectures in collaboration with IITs and IISc. in various branches like Basic courses, Mechanical Engineering, Civil Engineering, Electrical Engineering, EEE, Ocean Engineering, Mining, Metallurgy and Biotechnology.
The following website take you to that sites
Enjoy watching the lectures
This blog attempts to provide career information for the aspiring candidates and it also presents information about jobs and higher education for all.
12 February 2011
4 February 2011
Brain Games
1. Identify the number in the question mark | ||
2. Complete the sequence in the following polygonal series | ||
3. Identify the missing number in the following triangle series | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
Eye Care » Eye exercises
Eye Care » Eye exercises
Eye exercises are rotatory movements which keeps away from straining and tension. Such exercise will improve the blood supply to eye and make the vision more clear.The following are the eye exercise tips for clear vision-
• Sit straight and breathe deeply, move your eyes up as far as possible and down as far as possible and relax your eyes by blinking several times and repeat this for four times.
• Position a dot on the wall and look straightly first and then move the eyeballs to the right corner and then to the left corner and blink several times. Repeat this for four times and then place your palms on the eyes and rest.
• In clockwise and anticlockwise direction rotate your eyes for proper blood supply and then blink several times, repeat it for five times each side and then close your eyes and take a deep breath.
• Close your eyes as tight as possible and squeeze your eyes which help in muscle contraction, hold this for three times and then blink several times.
• Palming relaxes the eyes; it preserves the eyesight and relaxes the nervous system as well.
• Always wash your eyes with cold water before and after exercise.
• The exercise should be followed at least four times a week for a proper eye health.
• Always protect your eyes from hot sun and pollution by wearing sun glasses.
• Take a healthy diet which is rich in Vitamin A.
• Once in a month clean your eyes with few drops of anti bacterial drops.