11 September 2012

Colours of Nature

Colours of Nature

Colours of Nature’ is an extract taken from Jim Corbett’s (Edward James) autobiographical book Jungle Lore (the stories of the Jungle). Colours of Nature explain about the Corbett’s love towards nature. Corbett asks us to stop plundering (cutting or steal) the mother earth and to understand the importance of it. He also advises to use nature in a mutually beneficial manner. It is seen every colour of birds, flowers, trees, fruits in the forest.

Corbett explains the importance of forests. He advises to watch forest which is very huge. The forests are ddevastating for its commercial value of timber. Forests are nature’s gift to us.

Corbett refers to different trees and its uses. First, he refers to Shisham saplings which produce the best timber for cartwheels and for furniture. Next he introduced Runi trees, which provide the kamala powder. Kamala powder is used for dyeing wool, colouring butter and also for some medicinal purposes. Then Khair trees which produces kach, in trade kach is called as catechu. Kach is used for dyeing cloth and fishing nets. Corbett’s friend Mirza accidentally discovered khaki dye (fast dye) which is produced in the flourishing factory established at Izatnager.

Later the Dhank (Butea giondosa) trees which produces a ruby-coloured gum. This gum is used for dyeing silk of the finest quality. The Amaltas (Cassia fistula) trees seed pods used as laxative.

Finally he refers to Lilac-coloured flowers Kachanar (Bauhinia) the pink are Kusum trees. The red are Semul (silk cotton) trees, the flowers of Semul are loved by all birds that drink nectar, and Paroquets, monkeys eat the fleshy flowers.

Nature forms its own garden. The seeds are carried from one place to another by animals or birds. The seeds that could not be carried by the animal or birds from place to place are carried by winds.

Last but not least he mentions about the coconut, which is provided with a husk that enables it to float and be carried by the ocean waves from shore to shore.


  1. Why is the forest the author talks about still as nature made it? 

Colours of Nature are an extract taken from Jim Corbett’s autobiographical book Jungle Lore. Colours of Nature explain about the Corbett’s love towards nature. The trees in the forest are not shown by anybody. It has been distributed either by birds, animals or winds etc. the trees that are grown in the forests are used by indifferent ways.

  1. Why Kamala powder is no longer used colouring butter?

Colours of Nature are an extract taken from Jim Corbett’s autobiographical book Jungle Lore. Colours of Nature explain about the Corbett’s love towards nature. Kamala powder that is produced from Runi trees is used for colouring butter. It’s very expensive. So, the middlemen started adulterating kamala powder with brick dust. For this reason people stopped using in food products like colouring butter.

  1. How many trees are mentioned in this lesson? Name them.

Jim Corbett’s Colours of Nature refers to the trees and its importance. Corbett requests us to stop plundering the mother earth and to understand the importance of it. He refers to Shisham, Runi, Khair, Dhank, Amaltas, Kachanar, Kusum, Semul, Gotail and Coconut.

  1. Which are the various ways nature has devised to scatter seeds?

            Colours of Nature are an extract taken from Jim Corbett’s autobiographical book Jungle Lore.          Colours of Nature explain about the Corbett’s love towards nature.  Nature forms its own garden. The seeds are carried from one place to another by animals or birds. The seeds that could not be carried by the animal or birds from place to place are carried by winds.Last but not least he mentions about the coconut, which is provided with a husk that enables it to float and be carried by the ocean waves from shore to shore.

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